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Tuba Gun
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Japanese teens have created Tuba Guns, another clever photo meme in which band members fight one another with musical instruments. Previously, we posted about photo memes including staged Dragon Ball Kamehameha attacks, Harry Potter Quidditch games, Vadering, and fights with human-eating giants from the Attack on Titan anime. Kotaku’s Brian Ashcraft has more on the newest Tuba Gun meme.
Tuba Gun
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Tuba Gun
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Tuba Gun
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Tuba Gun
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Tuba Gun
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Tuba Gun
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Tuba Gun

Tenda tenda unik dan kreatif

Yang namanya travelling outdoor pasti gak lepas sama yang namanya tenda. Kalo
nggak, mau tinggal di mana, dong? Hehe. Nah, berikut ini ada tenda-tenda yang boleh dibilang unik dan kreatif untuk menemani travelling seru kamu: • Decathlon 2 Second Tent
Lagi asyik-asyiknya jalan tiba-tiba hujan dan ga ada tempat berteduh. Tenang! Tenda yang satu ini bisa kamu dirikan hanya dalam waktu 2 menit saja! Yup, untuk mendirikan Decathlon 2 Second Tent ini kamu hanya perlu membuka tali plastik dan melemparkannya ke udara.
• Nyamuk Tent
Tenda buatan Leonie Bergmaier ini memang dibuat untuk menghindarkan kita dari gangguan nyamuk. Tidur di alam bebas memang rawan dari gangguan binatang yang satu ini, makanya Nyamuk Tent ini dibuat dengan sekat atau kasa anti-nyamuk. Hmm… Jadi penasaran, di mana ya Leonie menemukan nama untuk tenda ini hehehe.
• Star Gazer Tent
Bagi yang suka melihat bintang, tenda ini sangatlah cocok. Di atas tenda ini terdapat sisi yang transparan untuk memberikan sensasi tidur sambil di bawah bintang bagi orang-orang yang di dalamnya. Tenda ini muat untuk 5 orang dan bisa didirikan dengan mudah.
• Treetent
Tidur dengan kantong tidur digantung di pohon mungkin sudah biasa. Kalau yang ini, tidur dengan tenda yang digantung di pohon! Desainer asal Belanda, Dré Wapenaar telah mendapatkan pengakuan internasional atas ciptaannya ini. Tenda ini bisa dikaitkan dengan pohon dan di dalamnya terdapat lantai kayu serta matras untuk tidur dengan nyaman.
• Emergency Tent
Tenda ini dibuat oleh Patrick Wharram untuk tenda darurat selama bencana alam. Konstruksinya membuat tenda ini dapat dibuat secara masal sekaligus sangat praktis untuk digunakan secara cepat dalam kondisi darurat.

4 Tipe Anak Gaul - 4 Tipe Anak Gaul

Ah, siapa yang gak ingin menjadi anak gaul. Mendapat status anak gaul merupakan kebanggaan tersendiri. Bagaimana tidak, setiap kali kamu berjalan, orang-orang di sekitar kamu bakal ngeliatin kamu sambil berbisik-bisik, "eh, itu kan anak gaul"…Eh bener kan? Jadi anak gaul pasti dapet perlakuan seperti itu kan? Berikut adalah 4 Tipe Anak Gaul versi .

1. Anak Gaul Generik

Anak gaul generik adalah anak gaul paling standart. Model-model yang kamu temukan di mall-mall gitu deh. Biasanya sih mereka dapet julukan gaul karena mereka adalah anak-anak yang paling populer di SMA/universitas mereka. Sebenernya pergaulannya sendiri belum tentu keluar dari lingkungan SMA/universitas mereka sih, tapi paling gak bentukannya tuh udah gaul abis gitu.

Kalimat Standart: "Eh geelllaa kemaren gue liat baju lucu abesss gheeetooo.."

Musik Favorit: Apapun yang lagi sering diputer di radio.

2. Anak Gaul Hipster

Anak gaul hipster adalah evolusi dari anak gaul generik. Biasanya mereka bermula dari populer di SMA/universitas, tapi kemudian menemukan culture yang dianggap lebih asik kemudian menganggap bahwa menjadi anak gaul generik itu terlalu mainstream. Biasanya anak gaul hipster ini bisa kamu jumpai di butik-butik clothing lokal (yang mahal), tempat-tempat sepeda (yang mahal), festival film, dan tentunya konser band yang kamu gak pernah denger. Mereka suka sesuatu yang kamu gak pernah denger. Kalo kamu sampe suka hal itu, mereka udah gak suka lagi. Kemana aja kamu saat mereka suka itu?

Kalimat Standart: "Eh lo nonton [masukkan nama band yang gak pernah kamu denger di sini] gak? Gue sih dapet invitation.

Musik Favorit: Apapun yang kamu gak pernah denger.

3. Anak Gaul Beneran

Anak gaul beneran adalah seseorang yang beneran gaul dalam arti yang sesungguhnya. Dia kenal buanyaaaaaak banget orang dari berbagai kalangan dan dia sendiri juga dikenal buanyaaaak banget orang dari berbagai kalangan. Kamu bisa minta contact siapapun dari tipe anak gaul yang satu ini. Kalaupun dia gak kenal satu orang, entah bagaimana pasti dia kenal orang lain yang kenal orang ini. Pokoknya bikin minder deh.

Kalimat Standart: "Ibas? Oh gue kenal. Mau nomer teleponnya?"

Musik Favorit: Apa aja sih, mulai dari yang populer sampe yang kamu gak tahu.

4. Anak yang Ngakunya Gaul

Anak yang ngakunya gaul adalah seseorang yang mengaku ke orang-orang kalo dia kenal banyak orang, tapi sebenernya dia gak dikenal siapa-siapa. Jadi mungkin dia pernah kenalan sama orang penting A, tapi kenalannya ya cuma gitu-gitu aja. Gak ngobrol juga. Cuma salaman bukan berarti tuh orang penting bakal inget kamu juga dong?

Kalimat Standart: "Oh gue kenal tuh sama Adrie Subono! Gue pernah kenalan. 5 tahun yang lalu. Iya pas lagi konsernya JAVA gitu. Gue salaman. Foto bareng gitu deh. Tau deh dia masih inget gue apa nggak."

Musik Favorit: Semua yang keren-keren, tapi pas lagunya diputer gak bisa nyanyi.

Inilah Kacamata 'Anti Detektor Wajah' Pelindung Privasi (video)

Since surveillance culture is at the top of the news agenda, this new invention from Japan's National Institute of Informatics couldn't be more timely. It's a pair of goggles that blocks facial recognition algorithms and ensures that no one can snap a pic of your mug without your permission. The wearable uses 11 near-infrared LEDs that shine a bright light. It's invisible to humans, but enough to dazzle any passing cameras. Admittedly, the technology is useless for cameras that aren't sensitive to infrared, which is why the institute is also experimenting with reflective materials that'll work with any imaging sensor -- but that, unfortunately, isn't quite ready for prime time. Curious to see it in action? Head on past the break for the video.

Modern hotel in Amerika

Modern hotels in America
– the days are gone when selecting luxury accommodation meant selecting between different hotels that appeared to give the same decor. A variety of ultra-modern, stylish, funky hotels took the by storm using their innovative, unique and sometimes plain bizarre assumes quality accommodation.
Best Western Hotel Tomo 500x320 Modern hotels in America
Hotel Tomo
Take a look at a couple of Modern hotels in America, include the list USA hotels prepare to become inspired.
Bay Area – Best Western Hotel Tomo
This hotel is similar to a Japanese pop-art structure. Full of object part from Japanese popular culture, your accommodation Tomo is really a playful remake from the former Miyako Motel situated in the middle of the city’s Japantown. Hotel Tomo combines vibrant Japanese-style anime into each room using a dramatic wall mural by artist/designer Heisuke Kitazawa and pop items like comics and cartoon-formed plush toys.
Upgrades range from the pre-requisite technological thrills and spills, for example ipod device decks, high-speed connectivity plus two-player suites which have three game systems blocked right into a super-sized screen. Cool design touches complement the inventive theme: all the rooms consists of Japanese comics and beanbag chairs and also the interior courtyard features two geodesic-domed meeting spaces.
Vegas – The Palazzo Resort Hotel Casino
The Palazzo resort hotel may be the biggest licensed eco-friendly hotel on the planet. The outside pool is heated by photo voltaic energy, the 2 atria skylights let natural sunshine in and all sorts of trash is sorted and recycled – to title a couple of from the hotel’s numerous eco-friendly practices.
The Palazzo Resort Hotel Casino combines luxury with eco-awareness: each one of the hotel’s a lot more than 3,000 suites includes a sunken family room, king-sized beds with delicious linens, touch technology to spread out drapes along with a luxurious marble bathroom. The 24th to 28th flooring have a lounge that serves breakfast, mid-day goodies and hors d’oevres, by having an open bar at night. Dining in the hotel is spectacular, and there is a welcoming range of celebrity chef restaurants to select from: CUT from Wolfgang Puck, Carnevino from Mario Batali, Table 10 from Emeril Lagasse, plus a lot more. Shopping also sets new levels, and there is a Lamborghini car dealership on-site.
Los Angeles – SLS Hotel at Beverly Hillsides
Noted for its eye around the aesthetic, SLS hotel at Beverly Hillsides wows visitors having a wild range of furniture and ornamental pieces in the creative mind of designer Philippe Starck and also the hotel’s owner Mike Nazarian. In the red-colored carpeted foyer and outside family room replete with alligator hide couch and pretend mink throws towards the stylish modern guest rooms that contain eggshell-formed tubs and glass-walled showers, this hotel mixes technological savvy with comfort. With custom-designed furniture, high-speed Internet connectivity, MP3 seem systems, flat-screen televisions, 24-hour room service, as well as 32 allergen-resistant “Pure” rooms, the SLS has thought about every single need.
The visual fiesta is constantly on the Altitude, the roof pool deck with lush cabanas along with a fully-outfitted gym.
Dallas – The Stoneleigh Hotel and Health spa
A skill Deco landmark built in 1923, The Stoneleigh hotel and Health spa received a transformation in 2008 to find the hotel’s glorious past. Original marble posts, very chandeliers and custom ironwork within the lobby typify the hotel’s elegant history. Suites are furnished in dark forest and have large home windows throughout. Visitors can remain in Tribute Suites that pay homage towards the hotels past visitors for example Elvis and Judy Garland. In other rooms, the hotel’s original architecture complements additional features like lcd televisions and Wi-Fi throughout. The classic art deco lavatories feature particulars like black-and-whitened marble flooring and chrome fittings.
The health spa offers treatments that stand out in urban detoxing with scrubs, massages along with a honey ritual. The Stoneleigh resort and spa is really a energized and re-vitalized classic.
New York – 6 Columbus
Behind a 1928 Beaux Arts facade is 6 Columbus, the most recent trendy boutique in the Thompson Hotels Group. Using the goal of getting downtown funk to stylish uptown, this sleek sixties-meets-twenty-first century hotel has 88 suites, with flat-panel plasma Televisions, preloaded apple ipods and internet broadband connection. Inside pay homage towards the fashion era from the sixties – rooms are colored in Yves Klein’s worldwide blue with digital photographer Guy Bourdin’s titillating images as room art. It is the perfect spot for stylish, vacationers who wish to remain in an up-market atmosphere. Picture a stylish Parisian hotel at the time of corporate Manhattan and you get the drift.
Palazzo Resort Hotel 500x332 Modern hotels in America
Palazzo Resort Hotel
SLS Hotel 500x285 Modern hotels in America
SLS Hotel
Stoneleigh hotel and health spa 500x255 Modern hotels in America
Stoneleigh hotel and health spa
6 Columbus 500x340 Modern hotels in America
6 Columbus

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